The Healing Task Force was created to ensure that the Church fulfills its commitments to reparations under the 2021 Resolution Regarding Acknowledgment, Apology, and Reparations. The Healing Task Force is open to anyone who wants to be part of this critical work.

The Healing Task Force works in partnership and with guidance from the Native Ministries Committee, to ensure that decisions and activities are informed by and respectful of Alaska Native cultures and traditions.


What are we working on?

Our Church has committed to 21 reparative actions to acknowledge, apologize for, and begin to repair the harms caused by the racist closure of Memorial Presbyterian Church. These actions include:

Line drawing of a house with palm leaves, a cross, and a heart.

The Healing Task Force monitors progress toward all the reparations. Read the 2022 Annual Progress Report.

The Healing Task Force priority for 2023 is planning and hosting a formal apology by the Presbyterian Church (USA) for the closure of Memorial Presbyterian Church. We will be working closely with the Presbyterian Mission Agency and Center for Repair of Historical Harms, the Native Ministries Committee, and community partners over the coming year.


The Healing Task Force meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 5:30 p.m. by Zoom.

Check the Church Calendar for meeting information.