Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through God-centered worship and people-centered ministry.

Ḵunéix̱ Hídi means “a house of healing.” We chose this name after careful consultation with traditional elders and experts and prayerful discernment.
Ḵunéix̱ Hídi reflects the transformative nature of God’s love and Jesus’s teachings, and our commitment to healing the wounds caused to our neighbors and siblings in Christ by racism and injustice.
Click to hear Ḵunéix̱ Hídi pronounced by Paul Marks.
Northern Light United Church refers to the Light of the World, Jesus Christ. We seek to share that Light through ministries focused on social justice, music, youth, and Alaska Native ministries.
Ḵunéix̱ Hídi Northern Light United Church is a More Light and Reconciling Ministries congregation, welcoming our LGBTQ+ neighbors to church life. We are an Earth Care congregation, striving to be faithful stewards of God’s creation.