There are many ways to connect and enjoy fellowship together at
Ḵunéix̱ Hídi Northern Light United Church.

Men’s Breakfast via Zoom
Every Friday at 7:00 a.m.
A great way to start the day with breakfast, conversation, prayer, support, and fellowship. Contact KJ Metcalf to learn more.
Community of Christian Women
CCW is involved in service projects and sponsors the popular annual Christmas bazaar. Contact Carol Barril for more information.

Eagle River United Methodist Camp
We are a partner in the Eagle River United Methodist Camp, where we gather for celebrations, fellowship, and service. We host Camp Get Ready in May each year, cleaning and sprucing the camp up before all the summer activities. Then, in October, we have a Chop-a-Thon to clear trees and brush and stockpile wood for winter users. The Thanksgiving Community Potluck at the camp is a wonderful gathering for friends and family.

Annual Picnics
We host a Spring Block Party picnic to share food and fun with our neighbors in The Flats. We celebrate the end of summer with a church picnic at Sandy Beach, complete with lots of food, sand castle building, beach walks, beach volleyball, and an all-around good time.