September Sermon Series

September Sermon Series

In September, Pastor Ensminger’s sermon series is inspired by the book Insurrection by Peter Rollins.  He will preach on theological ideas of life and death as a Christian.    September 10  Mark 15:23-32a          The God of the Gallows September 17  Timothy I...
Help Host the Annual Church Picnic

Help Host the Annual Church Picnic

The annual church picnic at Sandy Beach is August 27! You can help with the food and fun. Organize volunteers, shop for food and supplies, gather beach toys and balls, be a grill master, or bring a dish to share. Contact Christina at 907.586.3131 to help host a...
Welcome Pastor Charles

Welcome Pastor Charles

Join us Sunday, July 9 at 10:00 a.m. for a special worship service and brunch to welcome our new pastor, Rev. Dr. Charles Ensminger, and his family.