May Sermon Series

May Sermon Series

The Rev. Pastor Charles Ensminger will be preaching on spiritual growth: May 5th “The Journey of Faith” Scripture: 1st Corinthians 3:1-4 May 12th “The Crisis of ‘Next'” Scripture: Luke 24:44-53 May 19th “Renew” Scripture:...
End of Summer Newsletter

Read the May Newsletter

The May Newsletter features: a statement of our church’s position on conflict in the Middle East; reparations paid to the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska; a report from Maxine Richert, Moderator; the May Sermon Series; and...
April Sermon Series

April Sermon Series

Rev. Dr. Charles Ensminger’s sermons in April will focus on how we share The Good News and our relationship with the Earth and God: April 14 “Evangelion”    Scripture – John 20:19-31 April 21 “Creation and the Creator”    Scripture...